Friday, August 27, 2010

Change--I'm All For It--On My Terms

The past twenty-four hours have been a time of change in my little microcosm. Be aware that nothing earth-shattering in any way, shape, or form has happened--no need to lead you down the wrong path. Nevertheless, it has played with my over-all mood from one of just going about my business to being more edgy. I find that it takes very little "rattling" of one's day in day out to make our bodies react.
To 99% of the population, these "changes" of which I speak are not even noticeable; to the 1% of the population that has developed the lifestyle of contented seclusion with periods of going out and about, you'll understand completely :).
So...the excitement has all centered around cows. Yep--cows. And snapping turtles. And helicopters. Who could not be intrigued by that?
It all started calmly enough with a good friend of ours out looking for snapping turtles; we have a pond, so we happily allowed him to look.
Next came a couple of guys showing up in our hay lot; another occurrence that doesn't necessarily cause alarm since guys come by to check the fields, etc. It's a farmer thing. They got in their truck and left. A bit later, another vehicle showed up and drove down to the pond; this time it seemed a bit off kilter, so Tom walked out onto the deck to find out that they had lost some cattle and were out looking. Once again, our sympathies go to them, but having had cattle at one time ourselves, we know that drill. No cause for alarm.
The change that rattled my little microcosm started this morning. As I walked out onto the deck, oblivious to anything other than grabbing one of the kittens and wiping its ick eye, I hear an engine, look up, and see a vehicle coming up from the pond and into the yard...wasn't ready for that one. So, I spun around, back into the house, and in about 14 seconds made myself "presentable" in case said contents of car stopped. It didn't. At first I thought it was a friend of Turtle Guy. Later I realized this was the Cow Search Car. I settled back into my routine of work.
A bit later I felt a vibration and heard a very loud engine; needless to say, back to the deck I went only to see a helicopter practically touch the top of the shed and drop down even further into a surrounding corn! My first thought was that it was looking for plants that didn't resemble corn or beans. That happens sometimes when you're surrounded by fields. A bit later, another helicopter--same scenario. Not quite as low this time.
At noon the Cow Search Car returned with a couple of frustrated cow searchers. Sorry--no sign of cows. About 15 minutes later--helicopter buzz again. Not long after that, Turtle Guy.
All this excitement has lead me to believe one thing for sure; perhaps the animal and reptile kingdom are smarter than us--neither of the species have been spotted; and I like change--but on my terms. Otherwise, my cage seemed the only one rattled. I'm guessing the turtles and cows are out there living it up. :)

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