We've been told from the time we were old enough to understand that waiting was a part of life. "Good things come to those who wait", "just wait until you grow up", "the wait will be worth it"...and so on. So why is it that we're just not very good at it--this waiting thing.
I think some of it comes from our culture, especially during the 20th century and beyond. We don't need to wait--things are fast serve, fast moving, fast turn-around. We want things done quickly, on the qt, in record time. Our heroes are "faster than a speeding bullet", "fast to the rescue", and they ride fast horses, fast motorcycles, or they drive fast cars, or fast boats...you get the picture.
And then I come out and sit on the deck and start writing and the cats show up. Presently, I have a committee of four various sized felines surrounding my workspace in four various states of repose. Cats don't do "hurry up"; cats do as they please. They stretch, they recline, they doze, they come by and allow me to pet them one at a time. But they don't do any of these things "faster than a speeding bullet". I think this would be against the most basic laws of cat-dom.
So, I decide to do as the cats do...I don't rush. I'm not fast. I write as a person of leisure. I stop and sit and consider. I recline. And my thoughts come to me in the same fashion--they don't rush, but rather they float through my mind and on to the page. And you know what? I'll take this over a rush any day of the week.
Have a fine day...a nice, slow fine day.
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