Thursday, August 25, 2011

Never Doubt the Power of Faith

God will be there when we need Him...we know that. What we forget is that God is always there, just waiting much like an expectant parent, knowing full-well we'll be asking for something time and again.
I did that yesterday morning.
I had a desire to have a fall garden. The garden is now nicely in place, and, of course, needs to be tilled from time to time. I have a little tiller for stubborn little tiller. I can never get it started. I'm also short in the wing-span department, so I tend to pull the cord wrong and end up with a twisted something or other...this time it was my lower back.
I don't like being sick or wounded, so this didn't set too well. It was also the first week of my new adventure as teacher and student, so I wanted to be at my best. 
Monday was painful.
Tuesday was as well.
Wednesday morning found me up earlier than necessary with it worse than ever.
So I prayed about that a bit and had faith...LOTS of faith.
I know God can literally move mountains if He so chooses; I know He can make a person well, if it's right for the time in the big picture.
I also know he's good at helping us get calm and get sensible.
And the back pain started letting up...what did I do? Used that common sense and calm that I received in that prayer. I took an extra long warm shower first thing in the morning and that loosened everything up that needed to be loosened. I figured out a different configuration to haul my teaching materials in and out of the buildings. And so on...just good 'ol calm common sense.
Then I got home Wednesday night only to find that I had left my laptop power cord aka life line somewhere. Pray again? You bet. Not that it would magically appear, but that it was where I thought it had to be and that it wouldn't be swiped just for giggles.
So I called first thing this morning over to VU, talked to the wonderful secretary at the humanities office (everyone needs to have a Patty in their lives), and she called back in under 10 minutes saying that a maintenance guy there in the building (some of the nicest guys around) had been up there, found it, and it was waiting in her office for my return tomorrow. 
Never doubt the power of faith.
I didn't literally have a mountain moved, but due to some good calm and common sense, my back feels a whole lot better.
I didn't have the power cord magically appear in my messenger bag, but I know there are a bunch of good and decent and honest people at VU.
What more signs of faith do we need?

Have a fine day.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

One Day Without Finger Pointing

Okay...we know that the Congress has let us down--again. Are you really surprised? Really? Didn't think so. Yet every time we go through the same period of grief with shock and dismay. 
So here's the deal...
We know that the country's economy is in a mess.
We know that many people are unemployed.
We know the our government basically doesn't care a fig about we the people.

What we need to remember is that it's not necessarily one party nor the other that created this mess. So why be so protective? Moreover, why turn on one another protecting the very people who are making everyone grumpy in the first place?

How about we stop the finger pointing? 

Let's try that...let's start tomorrow.

Instead of complaining about this politician or that politician, this political party or that political party, let's just take care of ourselves and one another. We'll be ahead in the long run. Independence and interdependence--some good stuff. 

You'll feel better. And you'll for sure be a lot more useful to those around you. And much more pleasant. finger pointing. Just go about our business.

One day I think it might catch on...maybe eventually we'll all realize that the politicians don't have much in common with the rest of us. And, in the meantime, the rest of us can make this world a little better place.

Minus the finger pointing.