Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Plan B

A fairly good idea I've had in the works for awhile now got a few holes shot into it earlier today. Over the past several years, I've learned to not only to accept that things normally don't work in their first draft, but I've more or less learned to expect it. Writing goes through a series of drafts--why shouldn't life?

Time for Plan B.

People have all kinds of reasons for seeing that things just won't work; this is an inherited skill that we humans have honed over thousands of years. We're pretty good at it. However, there are some of us out there that are either too stubborn or too caught up in the "what if" to stop at the first juncture.

We have a Plan B.

Plan B is a lifesaver; it keeps the world moving forward. It doesn't allow for stagnation or, worse yet, losing progress earlier made.

Interestingly, when I returned to my computer and the Twitter feed, a TED talk appeared. TED talks are amongst my favorite things. They're intelligent, forward thinking, and those giving the talks have a Plan B. This particular talk was entitled, "The Antidote to Apathy". I stopped and listened; it was 18 minutes of pure gold. If you'd like to listen and be encouraged and inspired, it's at http://on.ted.com/96iN 

Life will hand us roadblocks...we can survive and thrive in spite of them...with a Plan B.

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