Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Circle of Life...Avert Your Eyes!

I was doing some pruning in one of the gardens today when there came an uprising of a couple of sparrows...they were chirping at the top of their lungs, hopping from plant to bush to tree. I stopped the pruning, slowly walked over to near the commotion, only to see one of our many cats with a mouth full of little bird. Ah, yes...that would cause a little commotion amongst the sparrows. Our old cat, Q-tip, had found one of the fledglings that had emerged from the nest hidden in the bush. This commotion, of course, brought in two more of the cats to investigate the situation and quell some of that built-in feline curiosity. The birds grew even more restless which resulted in even more chirping and bouncing about the landscaping. It became nearly impossible to me to continue with my pruning. Once again I walked around in the area where all the excitement was taking place only to find yet another little bird nearby on the ground. I attempted to scoot it under a shrub out of sight to the cats, but it bounded away as soon as I put my hand near it.

The excitement continued on and on. Q-tip set up camp with the countenance  of a Sphinx; her first hors d'oeuvre was a delight, apparently, and she was just biding her time for an encore of her gastronomic discovery. 

I felt sorry for the sparrows, but, then again, I know full well that all this food chain business is the circle of life. I could have jumped into the middle of the situation, fought for the birds' honor (and hides), and shamed the cats.

Nah...I took the Sgt. Shultz route (from Hogan's Heroes days for you younger readers). I saw nothing...I heard nothing...

Ignorance can be quite blissful indeed.

Have a fine day.

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