Friday, September 10, 2010

Scatter Brains Unite!

I read a very interesting article today from the New York Times that should turn how we learn on its collective ear...IF we listen and put it into practice. It seems that after all the hoopla on learning styles and the old axiom of studying in one place in one setting are all wet...our brains just don't work that way.
Remember how our parents (and if we're parents how we) always naturally accept the fact that when kiddo gets home from school that he or she needs that little cozy corner of the world to study? You know, the one with zero distractions? Wrong. Now studies show that quiet and white walls don't do anything for memory retention; in fact, they tend to dull the senses to the point that retention is lessened.
Hallelujah! Another compartmentalized theory debunked! The beauty of the complexity of the human mind once again recognized for what it is--not a simple replicating machine that can only learn in one or two capacities, but a marvel that can take in vast amounts of information simultaneously and process it with ease. In other's okay to be a scattered la scatter brains!

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